In today's culture it is common to find more guys amongst girls groups and vice versa. I just finished reading an article on women who have no girl friends. In it claimed that all women that have few to no girl friends were man eaters, had lack of self esteem, and continued to go on from there demoralizing the woman. This is not the case in all circumstances.
Here are my top 10 reasons as to why girls have next to no girl friends
10. Grew up with guys - As we age it we fold into a mold that we feel most comfortable in. The things that create the most peace. If you've grown up in a home with all brothers, chances are you will be more comfortable with their jokes, their ill witted sense of humor and their comfortable laid back views on life.
9. Girls can be catty - D-R-A-M-A...DRAMAAAAA...okay well not all girls, but some. Its in our DNA, it happens we all do it - but some take it to the extreme. Do we really need to hear about what Samantha did to her boyfriend, sister, friends and so on? or how Johnny went out with a friend that is a girl and now you think hes cheating on you? No. We will likely lend a shoulder to cry on and be there for support, but we don't want to hear how every time the ex, the boyfriend, or the girl your jealous of comes around they become the center of your world and you lose your focus on reality.
8 Girls just want a hook up - Not all but some. We all have that one friend where you need to go out and scope out the next "hottie". It's fine being the wing woman for a while, but the game gets old when every time you go out you know you're there so they can get laid. - and hey we all know guys will do the same thing, but the trend is becoming less likely as you get older, guys would rather sit at home with their male friends, and they won't leave you at "da club" once they have found someone.
7 Pretentious - They don't care how you look or dress, they don't stare you down for wearing last years outfit with heels that you bought today. - On two separate occasions, I had girls literally say " She's really pretty, I like her", What does that have to do with a personality? As long as you can get along with guys and their friends they will accept you. They don't create cliques to segregate others.It is about who you are as a person.
6 Guys will encourage you to stick up for yourself. - Yes its always nice to have a girl by your side, to take your side when things go awry, but lets face it. We are adults (most of us) and we need to start taking initiative for ourselves. Yes it would be great to have someone by you when a girl starts going "Jersey" on you for something you'll never understand because she was drunk and misunderstood something - (or just wanted to be rowdy) but there comes a time where you must learn to over come obstacles on your own. It is more rare to hear of a guy starting drama just to start drama.
5 At ease - Face it. Most of us dislike having to get dressed to the nines every night to go out and mingle. You don't have to worry about saying the right thing, the wrong thing or the cool thing. Hanging out with the guys gives you a chance to have a laid back moment of peace. No heels, no drama, no talking even - just chill.
4 Less intimidation - Girls always have to glorify everything. Every little thing that is done has to be done better than the next person. It creates intimidation which leads to exclusions, and can ( but not always) result in loss of friendships. Guys are competitive as well amongst themselves however they are less likely to hold a grudge when someone unique is brought into the group. They will in most cases, find it inspiring to have someone that has a wide range of interests and aspirations.
3 You don't have to care about what you eat - No this doesn't mean sitting in front of the tv for days playing video games, eating pizza, nachos and burgers while beer cans lay around the living room floor for days on end. It means you don't have to worry about going out for dinners with the girls and ordering a salad to starve yourself. We all want to look and feel great, but you cant deny your body of nourishment either.
2 Guys are more spontaneous. - Guys are more apt to doing things spontaneously. They enjoy adventures and activities that are outside the box. They don't put out a facade of how to do it. Whether it be fishing, hiking, sky diving, long boarding and etc. Whatever it is to make you feel more alive, and create more enjoyment towards life.
1 Dependence - I know I said earlier that guys will encourage you to stick up for yourself, but if there is a moment when you need them; guys will ALWAYS be there for you. They may not say much, but when you need to just sit and not say anything but watch tv all night. They will be right beside you with a beer, and comedies, trying to make you laugh.
I'm not saying girl friends are a bad idea, but the myth that all girls are trying to steal every guy, trick the girls and do bad things is not always the case. For every bad scenario there are ten good scenarios. As well, enjoying life shouldn't be limited to whether your male or female, or being labelled. If you get along great with girl friends, its great just as well as if you get along with guys and vice versa. Its about living life without labels and finding out what makes you tick in life and what makes you happy as well as pursuing your dreams, whatever they may be.

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