Monday, 22 October 2012


Get Organized

      Life in its entirety is simplistic in nature. When you let the little things in life pile up, it becomes stressful and uneventful. You lose focus, lose sleep, and become forgetful. These aspects leave yourself open for "failure".
      I am a huge believer on planning and organization, but I'm far from where I need to be. Happiness begins and ends with a simple life. No matter what you desire in life there will always be a handful of tasks that you must accomplish, meaning you must acquire the traits of organization. If there is a lack of planning you begin to set forth a vicious cycle which leads to a loss in your focus. When these situations arise we become unhappy. Unhappy with the moment, unhappy with ourselves and unhappy with life. We cannot focus on what we desire because we are lost in thought. Our judgement is clouded by all the tasks we have yet to accomplish therefore leaving us disorganized.
      In order to simplify and be stress free create a step by step process to your achievements.

Set Goals. Have short term and long term goals for yourself. The short term goals should be the stepping stone in reaching your long term goals. Short term goals set in motion the process of your final goal.

Plan Steps. These steps should help you reach your short term goals first, and then the steps needed to achieve your long term goals. Try picking up a journal or planner. By doing so, you will find it helps you start the planning process and keep you organized which will help you get to where you want to go. Write down your thoughts - this will help eliminate stress.

Don't Give up. Giving up defeats the purpose. Everyone starts from scratch, rarely are we handed what we want, it requires work. Don't lose focus on what you set out to do. This means, don't procrastinate! We all have this inside us, this urge to put everything on hold. When you do this you allow more tasks to pile up. Get motivated to finish the task.

Believe in yourself. Be proud of your accomplishments. Your doing all this work, its worth something.

Do a simple task one week that involves planning. Make it benefit you to make you happy and build from there.  Businesses have a calendar which are located on the walls in the managers offices for meetings, this assists in the planning process for daily functions. The same should apply for you and me. Mark dates on the calendar as a plan to get from A to B. As long as you have a plan and your striving for that end goal, you win.

  Be stress free. Don't make life harder than it should be.

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