Stop Bullying
The most heart wrenching thing is to see someone get tormented with nobody around them to support and provide compassion to the situation. - Me
It is safe to say that no matter where you go, or what you do, its evident you will hear that someone somewhere is being picked on or bullied. Perhaps you have been the victim. Whatever the case, its never a pleasant feeling, a moment of happiness or even something to be proud of.
In life we all yearn for acceptance. We wish to feel loved, and to give that love back in return. When we are bullied we lose this confidence and lose focus on things we need, things we want and what everyone should have in life. We lose focus on our surroundings, our happiness and our love for life.
When someone is mistreated it decreases the chances of success because we are unable to put our focus on anything else.
Everyone makes mistakes, we are human, not perfect. Life will throw us 'curve balls' and toss you in the opposite direction of where you want to be. It may mean you are left with unfortunate circumstances that leave you in the dark. However it is how you react or perceive these that define you as an individual. Some situations are easier to cope with, but when you are bullied your sense of abandonment tends to override your coping mechanisms, leaving you more vulnerable than what you started with. When this happens its harder to overcome the negative and you begin to believe in them.
Again, people make mistakes its all part of a learning process which creates the person you are for the future. This is how we define and develop our personality and character traits.
Nobody should have to feel as though they are alone in the world, we all need to feel loved, have someone, and feel comfort in our surroundings. We cannot change the past, but we can change the future. Lets make a difference
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