Today's generation is all based upon social media. I've said it before - and its true. We are influenced (whether we like it or not) by what we see, what the latest trends are or what other people are doing. We put so much emphasis on others ( like Bruce Jenner) that we forget what really matters to us. Its fine to be who you w a n t to be, who you n e e d to be in order to succeed in life. Normally I wouldn't post about celebrities and their lives, but this time I find it is a topic a lot of people can benefit from ( at least I hope ). There are people who wish to succeed and live a life they desire without the drama of being hounded daily for their ambition and achievements. Those who work hard all their lives, to see that tiny glimpse of success ( or in some, a mountain of success ). In Bruce Jenner's case, I have hopes that he has not decided to pursue coming a woman. Not because I am against the idea, (whatever you choose in life or feel is best for you I support and encourage), I would however, rather see him be him simply for the reason that it will show that media fabricates virtually anything they can to gain a profit without taking into consideration who they hurt in the process. To contradict that thought, if he is becoming a woman, I honestly believe it will help those struggling with their identity to feel more comfortable with themselves. No matter what the outcome is, support and love is needed for all those out there that "don't fit the social norm" (I put quotations as society puts a strain or an unrealistic idea on how we should act or think).
You are beautiful, unique, intelligent and wonderful. Don't let anyone steal your sparkle. (yes, YOU). Be who you want to be, who you need to be, or who will make you happy. Nobody will make you happier than you. Continue to shine and most of all don't let other people steal your ability to enjoy life and what you are able to do!
(I apologize if this post is a little everywhere, its 1 am for me and I am exhausted)
Goodnight love bugs!