Monday, 13 October 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! 

There is so much in life to be thankful for, much of which we take for granted. Everyday we wake to those that love us, that care for us, and support us. We live in a world full of beauty and experiences.
Here are my top ten to give thanks!

10. The country I live in - Canada is absolutely beautiful. We welcome everyone around us, have wonderful scenery and love everyone. Whenever I go for my runs I get the most pleasant hello or good morning from fellow joggers. Its so wonderful to see the love that this country has toward one another and I hope there is a continuance of pleasantry delivered. I am thankful for the joy that nature brings us!

9. My Job - It can be hard to start your own business - never mind that, in some cases it can be hard to FIND a job. I was lucky enough to begin a career of my own while working for someone else. Of course there have been more busy days than not, however this has allowed me to experience life and what it has to offer. I am able to help those around me when needed and purchase things that are of most importance to me.

8. School - I know you're all thinking why? Think about it this way - knowledge is power.  I am thankful for the opportunity to go to school. Some people don't have the privilege to do so and fight for the opportunity. This is not something I take for granted. I would not be who I am without the help of school. It has allowed me to become more confident and more successful.

7. Technology - Yes, I confess - I love technology and how far it has come along. I have made some incredible friendships throughout the past few years with people all around the world. With the development of social media and the internet I am able to stay in contact by email, Face Time / Skype, and other means. I know I take it for granted and at times i'll put away all technology for a few days, but I am truly grateful for being able to stay in contact with my family and friends.

6. Health - I am healthy! Even if I wasn't, we live in a world where incredible things can happen. Medicine has come so far and its incredible to see the results. It may at times be costly, but I believe that you can't put a price on health. I am grateful that I am able to live a full healthy life. I love life and being alive. Health is a must if I want to take full advantage of life.

5. Food - I LOVE food but who doesn't right? I am thankful that I have access to a plethora of different foods. I'm sure I over indulge from time to time - Who am I kidding from time to time? - MOST times I over indulge. Food nourishes us, which helps us grow. Food is the catalyst that helps us become stronger and wiser. I am so very grateful that I am able to come home and eat when hungry, and share with those in need.

4. Paramedics / Nurses / Doctors etc - Those who give up sleep and time to make sure we are at our best. Even when they would rather be doing other things, they give up their time and energy to help better us whether ill, or injured.

3. Strangers - Whether its someone you pass on the street, or someone you have a conversation with in line at Starbucks, these people make an impact on your life. It may at times be small but it adds to your life. Sometimes those small impacts become large impacts. I have met so many people that I've helped and have helped me without knowing it. Theres always someone out there willing to listen to your story. Don't judge, try to listen. We all have a story and all have something to say.

2. Friends - The endless laughs, chats and stories. From random strangers to best friends. Life works in mysterious ways, and brings people into your life for a reason. My friends complete me. They become my family and become an inspiration. I have so much love and support from them in all that I do. We have some crazy memories and some childhood jokes that I wouldn't change for anything.

1. My Family - They will always be my number one in life. They give support, love and have taught me strength. Above that, families help shape who you are as a person, teach you morals and values and how to exist in life. I have learnt many things from them. They inspire me, shape me and motivate me to chase my dreams and follow my heart. No matter what crazy adventure I've wanted to jump into they have always been right by my side supporting me. I love you all for it!

Always be thankful, whether big or small there is going to be something to be thankful for! :)
Let me know what you're thankful for

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Lollipop Memories

Lollipop Memory

Say goodbye to yesterday and say hello today today! Find your inspiration and give your mood a boost by making someone smile, laugh and view life differently. We all have the ability to act selfishly or selflessly. The actions we make can change a persons life, even when we least expect it. What we do can change the past the present and the future. To be selfless means putting others' needs before your own interests. This act of being selfless can come with gratification. It may not be easy but it is rewarding. 

A story was told to me by a friend that reinstated everything I believe in. He knew of a guy that handed out lollipops on the first day of school to students at a university. The goal was to ease the apprehension of first year students. He went up to one new comer and handed him a lollipop, and told him to give the lollipop to a girl standing next to him. The two had never met before. At the end of being told this story, I found out that six months ago he ended up attending their wedding. It is the small steps, the leaps of faith and chances you take in life that could change the life of someone else or even yourself. That small act of kindness created a relationship between two strangers. Two strangers that ended up spending their life together.

Random acts of kindness can better yourself and those around you. Be an inspiration to others, you never know who you are cheering up, or who's life you are changing. I came across a site that had a bunch of heart warming acts of kindness posts. If you are wanting to add a little bit of sunshine to your day I strongly suggest taking a look at them.

Everything you do has meaning. Whether it means something to you, or the person next to you. Just like the lollipop scenario, the random acts of kindness could be a lasting memory for someone. The smallest action could change someones perspective on life. It may even turn a bad day into a beautiful one.
Everyone has a little rain, its the way we perceive the rain that makes it beautiful